Category Archives: Enviroment

All-natural all-purpose cleaner

I have added my all-natural all-purpose cleaner page. I’m working on other pages to come soon.

All-natural all purpose anti-bacterial cleaner

DIY Cleaning Blog Series

DIY Cleaning Blog Series.

Seeds of Death: Understanding the Deception Behind GMOs

The Benefits of a BYOB (Bring Your Own Bag) Habit

herban lifestyle

bagmonsterThe following post is by Katie Peige, Herban Lifestyle’s Sustainability Associate.

You are sitting in a park enjoying a lovely picnic. You are taking in the peaceful moment: the birds are chirping, children are playing on the nearby swings, a butterfly flitters by, and then you look up and your stomach lurches. It’s the lurch you feel when you see a plastic bag stuck amongst the highest branches of the maple you are sitting under. You start thinking about the birds that could get tangled in the plastic, the turtle that thinks he is about to chow down on a jelly fish, and your mind starts flashing images you have seen of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, and all you have your mind set on is how long it would take for that bag to eventually break down and where can you find the nearest ladder.

Plastic bag pollution

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